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welcome to my little corner of the world. As you can read here above my name is Insen and i come from Belgium. I have loved fashion for years but never found people around me who loved it as much as me. So i decided to start this blog and a youtube channel so i could share my passion with the world! 


50 facts about me 
  1. My Name is Insen De Backer 

  2. I Am 23 years old

  3. I come from Belgium 

  4. I live in Brussels 

  5. My parents are divorced 

  6. They met in high school and stayed together until i was 11

  7. I have a  half brother and sister

  8. I have a youtube channel called: Insen De Backer 

  9. Besides fashion I also love photography 

  10. I love analoge photography more than digital 

  11. I took most of my favorite pictures on disposable camera's 

  12. I am a great cook 

  13. I speak 5 languages: Dutch, French, English, German and a little Spanish 

  14. I have a boyfriend 

  15. we have been together for 4 years 

  16. He hates all social media and does not like me having a youtube channel 

  17. I have a cat named Nacho 

  18. I am a cat and a dog person 

  19. I Eat mostly plant based 

  20. I do it for the animals 

  21. I am lactose intolerant 

  22. I study tourism and leisure management 

  23. I hope to start my own travel company one day 

  24. I will graduate this year 

  25. I have attempted 2 other degrees before my current one 

  26. I have been to 25 countries 

  27. I love bullet journaling 

  28. I love drawing and painting but i am horrible at it 

  29. I am allergic to cilantro 

  30. I am an active person 

  31. I love running and hiking 

  32. I absolutely hate biking 

  33. I used to be a swimmer 

  34. I love thrifting 

  35. I have moved 10 times 

  36. I have never been to Disneyland 

  37. I am an introvert 

  38. But i am really outgoing 

  39. I have social anxiety 

  40. I am a perfectionist and always want control over situations 

  41. I work at a donut shop called coco donuts

  42. I wish i grew up before the internet 

  43. I am always cold 

  44. This is why summer is my favorite season 

  45. But i love fall and winter fashion more 

  46. I mostly take my own instagram pictures

  47. I mesure 165 cm 

  48. I have a sweet tooth 

  49. I am an aries 

  50. I only have a few friends

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